Construct new 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer interceptor main in line with and replacing the existing sanitary sewer main along South Aurora Street between the intersection of Prospect Street and Columbia Street.
Date: September 5, 2007
PROJECT LOCATION: The 300 & 400 Blocks of South Aurora Street between the intersections of Prospect & Columbia Streets.
START DATE: Monday, September 10th, 7:00 AM
COMPLETION DATE: Friday, October 26th 3:30 PM. Final road surface restoration and paving may take an additional week, if so project updates will be issued.
IMPACTS: South Aurora Street between the intersections of Prospect Street and Hillview Place will be closed to thru traffic, local traffic and emergency access only.
Traffic headed south (uphill) / out of the City of Ithaca on South Aurora Street to turn left (southeast) on Hudson Street just after crossing the bridge over Green Street, then travel uphill along Hudson Street to the intersection of Hudson Place, then turn right (southwest) on Hudson Place to Coddington Road, then right (west) on the Coddington Road to Danby Road / NYS 96, then turn left (south) back onto Danby Road / NYS 96 (South Aurora Street in City of Ithaca).
North (in) bound on South Aurora Street: Traffic headed north (downhill) / into the City of Ithaca on South Aurora Street (Danby Road/NYS 96 in the Town of Ithaca) to turn right (east) on the Coddington Road to Hudson Place, then left (northeast) on Hudson Place to Hudson Street, then left (north) on Hudson Street, travel downhill along Hudson Street to the intersection of South Aurora Street at the bottom of the hill, then turn right (north) back on to South Aurora Street at the bottom of the Hill. Detour Signs will be posted.
For additional information contact:
Erik Whitney, Ray King, or Dave Hunt
DPW, Water & Sewer Division