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Kudos go to Roger Casterline, director of facilities grounds and transportation, and to his team of expert groundskeepers on their creation of raised planting beds on the medians between the first and second sections of "O" parking lot behind Park Hall. These new beds have been planted with attractive, low-maintenance lilies, native grasses, and black-eyed Susans that should look spectacular for much of the year.

Careful selection of plants that spread quickly and shade out competing weeds should reduce the need for extensive weeding, watering, or other upkeep once these beds are fully established. These grasses and flowering plants -- along with new ornamental and shade trees planted in those medians -- should help increase the biodiversity in that parking area.

Two years ago, Roger's grounds staff worked with biology and environmental studies faculty and students to design and develop the alternative landscaping project on the slope behind the Center for Natural Sciences. Similar low-maintenance, self-seeding perennial species were selected for use in that experimental landscape area, so you can see what these median plantings will evolve into over time.

The taller grasses and bright flowers in these alternative landscape beds have attracted insects, butterflies, and birds. Not having to mow the large sections of that slope filled with plant species native to this area has saved the grounds crew a lot of money and time.

While "green" is usually a good thing, these multicolored alternative landscaping projects that visually break up large green expanses are just so darned pretty. We look forward to seeing more alternative plantings on campus!

Green Thumbs-Up to Facilities Grounds for the Natural Landscaping in "O" Lot | 0 Comments |
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