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What is Ally Week? It is a national, youth-led effort, sponsored by GLSEN and Day of Silence, which empowers students to be allies against anti-LGBT bullying, harassment, and name-calling. For information on how you can participate, visit Ally Week online.

Ally behaviors can be big or small. Here are a few things allies can do this week or any day:

* Not use anti-LGBT language and slurs
* Intervene, when you feel you can, in situations where others are using anti-LGBT language or harassing students
* Actively support safer-schools efforts

Please join with the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services in recognizing and honoring our allies and their vital contributions.

Information about allies and ally work year-round on our campus is available at the "Ally Work" area of the LGBT Center website.

Say thanks to an ally today!

Celebrate Ally Week: October 14-20 | 0 Comments |
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