Help STAND meet our goal of $5,000 to build a well for the people of Sudan. We will be tabling Tuesday, Nov. 13th and Wednesday, Nov. 14th from 4-8pm in the Terrace Dining Hall.
"Each day hundreds of thousands of people in Sudan and in greater East Africa, walk for hours through the dangers of the desert to collect water to drink. This water is often contaminated with parasites such as Guinea Worm, Schistosomes; and the dangerous Cholera bacteria...resulting in pain, sickness, and often death, especially among infants and children. Another consequence of the lack of having safe water available locally is the instability of villages. Every dry season, entire villages migrate with their livestock to find water. Such migration prevents the establishment of schools, health clinics, markets, and a general social infrastructure" (
Here at Ithaca College we are going to take a STAND. Our goal is to raise $5,000 by the end of the year to sponsor the construction of a well in Sudan. But we need YOUR help!
We'll be tabling Tuesday, November 13th and Wednesday, November 14th in the Terrace Dining Hall from 4-8pm. We will be selling paper cut-outs of water drops with your name on them for $1. These will be posted in a display case in the Campus Center foyer during finals week so that you can show your support for this noble cause. You can also help out by signing away one meal. The money from this will then be sent directly to Water For Sudan (
Thanks for your interest and we hope to see you there!