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The Organization Development Series is a set of workshops and presentations designed to assist student organizations in the fulfillment of their missions. The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will be hosting another session this week:

Developing a 4-Year Plan for Your Organization
Monday, November 12, 7:00 PM
221 Williams

Your organization does not need to reinvent itself each fall. Phil and Chris will discuss the importance of a long term plan and strategies for developing one for your organization. How do you set group goals that will take your organization from one point to the next? How can your organization use transitions to help rejuvenate the plan? How can future members drive the plan forward? Attendees will brainstorm some long term goals for a sample organization and discuss means of furthering them.

Presented by:
Phil DeLaus, Student Leadership Consultant
Christian Laurence, Student Leadership Consultant

We hope to provide sessions that will help strengthen and serve student organizations. Please e-mail with suggestions or comments.

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