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You are invited to participate in a survey being conducted by occupational therapy graduate students. The study, titled "Older Adults' Engagement in Creative Occupations: Factors and Patterns of Participation and Relationship to Perceived Wellness," is an interview about your leisure time activities and their meaning to you. Here's how you can help...

What we are doing
We are interviewing older adults in the Ithaca area about their daily lives, leisure activities, and health. The interview should take 45-60 minutes, and will be conducted by a graduate student in occupational therapy at a time and place convenient to you. We'll bring a treat.

We anticipate that the project will conclude in early spring. We will present the findings at IC and Lifelong, and you will be invited to attend.

Who is eligible?
Any individual 65 years of age or older, and living in the area.

Who to contact?
Contact associate professor Cathey Gordon (274-1532 or with your name, address, phone, and/or email address, and best days and times to reach you. An OT graduate student will contact you to set an appointment. Thanks.

Ithaca College Retirees: What Are You Doing These Days? | 0 Comments |
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