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The following Park School courses have seats remaining.

Please note that some courses have prerequisites.

General Communications:
CRN Course Number Course
43420 GCOM 40000-01 The Cultural Production of the War on Terror

Cinema, Photography and Media Arts:
CRN Course Number Course
40796 CNPH 11100-01 Cinema Production I (Lecture)
40800 CNPH 11100-02 Cinema Production I (Lab)*
43547 CNPH 21004-01 ST: Cinema Production
40816 CNPH 21400-01 Hollywood and American Film (Lecture)
40819 CNPH 21400-05 Hollywood and American Film (Discussion)*
40824 CNPH 24000-01 History of Photography
42514 CNPH 30100-01 Nonfiction Film Theory

Strategic Communication:
CRN Course Number Course
43394 STCM 21100-01 Corporate Communication Strategy & Design
43396 STCM 22000-01 Interactive Multimedia

CRN Course Number Course
40623 TVR 13100-08 Media Writing
40628 TVR 21500-03 Intermediate Field Production
40631 TVR 22500-03 TV Production & Direction
42520 TVR 32400-01 European Mass Media
43363 TVR 47100-02 Audio Workshop

CRN Course Number Course
40919 JOUR 25000-01 History of U.S. Mass Media

*Requirement for lecture: both CRNs needed to register for course.

Park Courses with Seats Remaining | 0 Comments |
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