The new voice mail system is coming soon and all voice mail users need to personalize their greeting on the new system!
Beginning Monday, December 10, 2007, the new voice mail system can be accessed at 4-5100. This is a temporary access number available only through Friday, January 4th, 2008.
The 4-5100 access number is only in place in order for you to record a new voice mail greeting in preparation for use with the new system. You will not be using the new voice mail system at this time; you will simply be accessing it once to set up and personalize your voice mail box. Any voice mail greetings for departmental extensions will need to be re-created as well (this is different from departmental voice mail trees, which will be transferred to the new system with assistance from a Verizon representative).
During the set-up process you have the option to create a standard and a busy greeting or you can choose to record one greeting for all calls. Whichever you decide, you may want to have your greeting(s) prepared beforehand.
From your campus phone, dial 4-5100.
- You will be prompted to enter a security code; please enter 2580.
- After entering the security code, the system will prompt you through all of the necessary steps
including recording your name and greeting and creating a private security code.
Remember, no voice mail will be directed to the new system until the evening of January 4th. You should continue to use the current voice mail system and access number, 4-1850, until then.
If you need assistance, drop-in hours are available in TLC (Friends 101) per the recent Intercom article.
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