During winter break, drop-in groups will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the upstairs cafe at Autumn Leaves Bookstore on the Commons. We will meet on the following dates: Friday, January 4; Tuesday, January 8; Friday, January 11; Tuesday, January 15; and Friday, January 18. We will share goals and progress and, if time permits, exchange drafts of text. See below to sign up for a spring semester group.
The Tenure Seminar series in fall 2007 involved 40 people in at least some of the sessions. We had seven useful conversations and I've put the handouts and my notes on the Center for Faculty Excellence page. Much of the conversation revolved around writing your own narrative, whether for a pre-tenure review, an overview of a section of the file, or the big ten-page personal statement in the tenure file.
Now we are establishing small groups who will meet regularly and share the writing they are doing for their files. We assume the groups will meet roughly biweekly, exchanging segments of drafts electronically in advance, and that the meetings will include goal-setting and progress updates as well as commenting on one another's writing. These groups are open to anyone who is preparing a file for tenure and/or promotion to associate professor.
To facilitate the formation of groups, I have chosen a number of days/times and request that you select the one that would work best for you. If we have three people, we will form a group; if we have more than six, we will divide and meet alternate weeks. Our default location is my office, 214B Center for Health Sciences.
The days and times are listed below and at the Center for Faculty Excellence in the Center Activities page. Please email Susanne Morgan at morgan@ithaca.edu to indicate the single best time for you during the semester.
The resources collected during the Tenure Seminar are in three different locations: Faculty Resources includes resources on documenting scholarship and institutional engagement, Excellence in Teaching and Learning includes pages on documenting teaching and enhancing teaching, and Center Activities includes the basic information about the entire Tenure Seminar program.
For those interested in participating in spring semester Tenure File Writing Groups, please indicate the best time for you, with the understanding that we would meet for an hour every other week.
Tuesdays: 3:00-3:50 p.m.
Wednesdays: 9:00-9:50 a.m.
Thursdays 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Susanne Morgan