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Deborah Mohlenhoff, assistant director of the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, participated in an International Relay For Life training session for the American Cancer Society.

In October, Deb conducted a Relay 101 training to staff and volunteers in Penang, Malaysia. The training was held over two days and assisted the National Cancer Society of Malaysia with the development of leadership within their volunteers and also all aspects of Relay For Life.

Relay For Life, a celebration of life with a focus on the survivors in a community, is now a global movement, with 19 countries outside of the United States currently licensed to hold Relay events.

Deb was also able to participate in a regional kick-off event that launched the official start of the Relay For Life season in Malaysia. She was recognized by the local government as a special emissary during the kick-off ceremonies.

As always, the American Cancer Society aims to be volunteer-driven, and Deb Mohlenhoff was selected for her commitment to the American Cancer Society and her expertise in the field of leadership and volunteerism.

Read Deb's Blog about Her Experiences

Deb Mohlenhoff Assists American Cancer Society in Malaysia | 1 Comments |
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Deb Mohlenhoff Assists American Cancer Society in Malaysia Comment from awoodard on 01/11/08
Way to go, Deb!!! You have made your IC Hope family very, very proud. You have always been such an inspiration to our own team, I am sure that they were absolutely delighted with your expertise in Malaysia!