Super Tuesday is coming up on Tuesday, February 5. On this date New York State, as well as 23 other states, hold their primary elections.
[Editor's note: Polls will be open from noon until 9:00 p.m. More information can be found at the Tompkins County Board of Elections website.]
If you have registered to vote locally and live on campus, your local polling place is the Circles Community Room.
If you have registered to vote locally and live off campus, visit the Tompkins County Board of Elections site for your local polling location:
If you are registered to vote elsewhere, visit this site to find out how to apply for an absentee ballot for your state:
Please remember that, to be eligible to vote in a New York State primary election, you must have registered using a party affiliation.
If you are a first-time voter, bring a form of identification with you to the polling place.
See you at the polls!