Submitted on behalf of Dr. David E. Newman, director of student health services
We have documented several cases of influenza at the IC Health Center over the past several days, probably representing the local beginning of the epidemic that affects communities throughout the Northeast between November and March each year.
Influenza has been widespread throughout the state since the second week in January, according to the CDC, so this comes as no surprise.
The most effective strategy for preventing influenza illness remains vaccination, and while the vaccine may take up to two weeks to confer maximal protection, it is definitely not too late to get a flu shot if you haven't done so already. We still have vaccine available, as do many physicians' offices, and I encourage anyone who has not been immunized yet this year to do so now. You can call us at 607-274-3177 to schedule the vaccination.
The other measures that are essential in controlling the spread of influenza are familiar to everyone by now, but they bear repeating if for no other reason than that some of them run so contrary to our society's emphasis on performance, attendance, and "toughing it out":
* Avoid close contact with individuals who are ill.
* Stay home when you are sick. Neither students nor faculty nor staff should show up for work or class when they have symptoms compatible with influenza: fever, cough, headache, and muscle aches.
* Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, preferably with a tissue, handkerchief, or your upper arm.
* Wash your hands as often as possible.
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has an excellent influenza website:
CDC: Influenza (Flu)