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Introducing IC(Point of)View

Contributed by Maura Stephens on 02/22/08 

If you haven't yet seen the inaugural issue of ICView's first-ever arts and literary issue, please pick up a free copy at the bookstore. We've just introduced what will be an annual issue devoted to the creative work of the IC community. Next year's issue will feature winners of a contest in six categories: fine art, photography, cartoon/comic strip, poetry, short-short fiction, and essay. Visit our website: for contest rules and submission guidelines.

Our thanks and kudos to the staff, faculty, alumni, and student contributors whose work graces our first issue:

• director of academic funding and special programs Paul Hamill (poetry)
• retired anthropology professor Joel Savishinsky (poetry)
• art professor Bruce North (painting)
• music professor Dana Wilson (composition)
• writing professors Tom Kerr, Particia B. Spencer, and Fred A. Wilcox (essays)
• students JJ Ignotz ’08, Joshua Bushueff ’09, Alyssa Blumstein ’07, Justin Lubliner '09, and Eli Kowalski ’10 (photography)
• students Courtney Clemente ’09 and Amy Cohen ’08 (feature writing)
• alumna Bridget Meeds ’91 (poetry)
• alumnus Michael Capozzola ’92 (cartoon)
• alumnus Mitchell Schorr ’94 (mural).

--Maura Stephens, editor
--Carol Goodling, art director
--Maureen Forrest, editorial assistant

ICView and IC(Point of)View

Office of Marketing Communications
Division of Institutional Advancement

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