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Student Feedback Sought

Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins on 03/19/08 

The week of March 24, 2008, the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life will conduct two student surveys.

The first, a survey to first-year students, is an opportunity for the College to gather feedback from students about their first-year experiences and about what they have learned during their freshman year at Ithaca College. We are participating in a nationally administered instrument, called Your First College Year, for this purpose.

The second survey, targeting sophomore students, is designed to gather information about where student learning takes place.

The information collected will be used to enhance student learning and growth opportunities. Students will be contacted directly via e-mail and given a link to use to access the surveys. Laptops will also be available in the Campus Center lobby for students who would like to complete the surveys there. Your participation is strictly voluntary and your responses will be used for research purposes only, and will be strictly confidential.

The Student Affairs and Campus Life assessment committee members sincerely hope that you're willing to take a few minutes from your schedules to share your opinions and experiences with us. Thank you in advance for your participation.

The SACL Assessment Committee
Darese Doskal-Scaffido, Associate Director, Residential Life and Judicial Affairs
Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Coordinator of Special Services and Programs
Terry Martinez, Director, Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs
Roger Richardson, Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Dean of the First Year Experience
Rory Rothman, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

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