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Over the weekend of April 4-7, three members of Ithaca College's Speech and Debate Team competed at the Lincoln Douglas Open Championship Tournament.

Galen Danskin '11, Dan Parks '10, and Nicole Reustle '09 traveled to Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, to compete in the first-ever National Championship for Collegiate Lincoln Douglas Debate.

Galen Danskin had an outstanding preliminary record of 5-0 which allowed her to advance to the elimination rounds in the novice division. After losing to a debater from the host school of Washburn in the novice quarterfinals, Galen then defeated a debater from the University of Central Missouri in the final round of the rookie division.

This performance, combined with the two preliminary-round wins of Dan Parks, allowed Ithaca to capture the overall Novice Championship.

All three Ithaca debaters received speaker awards.

Debate Team Wins Novice National Championship | 0 Comments |
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