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Monica Lesslie, a graduate student in the physical therapy program, was selected to receive the Mary McMillan Scholarship award from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). The award will be presented at the organization's annual conference, PT 2008, in San Antonio, Texas, on June 13.

This scholarship award, named after the first president of the APTA, is presented to physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students in their final year of study and who have been nominated by their faculty and student peers. Monica is one of 10 physical therapist students who were selected for this award from 210 eligible education programs.

The criteria for this award include superior scholastic performance, past productivity, evidence of potential contribution to physical therapy, and service to the APTA.

Monica has been an outstanding student and leader in the physical therapy program at IC. As the elected class representative, she coordinated several student events and participated in faculty meetings. Her numerous community projects include service-learning events in Antigua and China.

In the APTA she was the student liaison, served as an usher at the annual conference last year, and was nominated for the position of vice president of the organization's national Student Assembly.

She truly deserves this award and we congratulate her on this recognition.

Physical Therapy Graduate Student Selected for National Award | 0 Comments |
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