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Our annual faculty conference on Wednesday, May 14, features presentations representing each of the five types of scholarship that are named in the faculty handbook.

The conference will be held from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Clark Lounge that day. The full program is at the Center for Faculty Excellence website.

Presentations include:

Scholarship of Discovery
Steven Seidman, Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Communication
"The Design of Nazi Election Posters, and American Advertising and Public Relations"

Scholarship of Integration
Ali Erkan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Michael Twomey, Professor, Department of English
"Wiki Systems in Humanities Pedagogy"

Scholarship of Application
Marie Sanford, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
"Bicultural and Bilingual Perspectives in Child Interviewing Practices"

Scholarship of Teaching
Patricia Spencer, Assistant Professor, Department of Writing
"Evolution of an Undergraduate Service-learning Course in Grant Writing: Lessons Learned"

Scholarship of Artistic Endeavor
Jack Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Writing
"The West End: A Novel"

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