Students, Faculty, Administration:
Thank you for your ongoing support in ending violence and hatred in our community. We have made progress in this uphill battle against our nation's "violent" society. Keep up the hard work and remember, as Congressman Charles Rangel once said, "Whenever you see injustice, silence is not an option."
Speak up when someone makes a sexist joke; speak up when you hear music that condones hatred; speak up when you see drunk friends going off together.
RESPECT. Respect women, respect families, respect children. In doing so there is no room for hatred in our society.
Have a great summer. Good luck on your finals!
Thank you,
The SAFER team
Your efforts are commendable and making a diffenence in the lives of others. Thanks for the significant contribution you make to our campus community; your impact reaches far beyond the borders of our campus.
LeBron Rankins