Information Technology Services will be implementing several software changes in the labs and eClassrooms over the summer of 2008 that may impact faculty members and instruction.
All Windows computers in eClassrooms and labs will be upgraded to Office 2007 (Word, Excel and Powerpoint). ITS recommends upgrading office workstations prior to semester start-up. Information about how to upgrade is available on the
computing support site.
The online courseware system is being upgraded from WebCT 4 to Blackboard CE 6 . All new course requests for the fall semester will be created in Blackboard, not WebCT. Existing courses can remain in WebCT until the end of the fall 2008 semester.To learn more:
- Sign up for a Blackboard workshop
- Get one-on-one support in the Center for Educational Technology, Muller 104, now and throughout the summer
- Contact the Helpdesk to be directed to a staff member who can assist you
- Watch for future Intercom announcements about this change
Beginning Fall 2008, SPSS 15 will be available in all eClassrooms.