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Submitted on behalf of President Peggy R. Williams.

I deeply regret that I must inform the campus community of the tragic loss of one of our students. This morning searchers found the body of freshman student William Jacobson in the Farm Road Pond on campus.

The Ithaca Police Department and other agencies continue to investigate this incident, and more information from them will be forthcoming.

These have been difficult days for the family, the students, and all of the Ithaca College community. We all grieve the loss of this bright young man -- an incredibly talented student with many close friends and so much potential. The loss of a student who had so much to contribute becomes a loss, not just for the campus community but for all who knew him.

The college will continue to provide support to all those who have been touched by Willie's untimely passing. A vigil will be held Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. at Muller Chapel. Counselors and chaplains are available to meet and speak with students and other members of the campus community having difficulty dealing with this loss.

We thank the students, the campus, and the entire community for their tireless efforts over these last two days.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, and all who have been touched by this tragic event.

Although I did not know Willie personally, I feel as though I have lost a son.

Peggy R. Williams

Important Message from the President to the Ithaca College Community | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Important Message from the President to the Ithaca College Community Comment from kwikoff on 04/30/08
With a son just about the same age, matching in description on so many points, and just up the road at school at Wells, I cannot express how hard this hits me as a mom without even knowing this young man. I've been looking at his young, handsome, intelligent, hopeful face every day as I come in and out of buildings on campus praying for the unlikely happy miracle ending. My heart goes out to his parents, family, friends and everyone who knew him. Few losses could be as painful as that of a young person just on the verge of stepping out into his whole future life.
Important Message from the President to the Ithaca College Community Comment from rbaker2 on 04/30/08
It's really saddening to find out about this, because he was just starting to get his life planned out for him. I hooe that he rests peacefully.