The first steps in the construction of the Athletics and Events Center will begin the week of June 9.
We will be creating new parking spaces to replace those that will be lost when the building is constructed. This will be accomplished by enlarging the S and Z parking lots, relocating C lot, and converting the tennis courts near the Danby Road main entrance to parking.
In addition, the power lines that cross the east side of campus will be relocated from overhead to underground.
We expect work to begin on Monday, June 9. As a result, the northern portion of S lot near the pond, the northern portion of Z lot, and all of C lot will be out of service until early August. The M lot extension and the tennis courts described above will be permanently removed from service. Replacement tennis courts will be built as part of the A&E Center project.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Jeff Paddock
Director for Planning Design and Construction