Welcome new and returning students!
We are staffing the Phillips Hall Post Office and the Mail Center on Saturday August 23rd, Sunday August 24th and Saturday Aug. 30th from 10:30AM-4:45PM to provide you additional opportunity to pick up your packages. You must present your college ID to pick up your packages.
You will know you have a package because you will receive an email message to your college account with the subject line “Ithaca College Package Receipt Notification”. All packages with tracking numbers are held at either the Phillips Hall Post Office located next to Macs/Bookstore or the Mail Center, located in the Public Safety/General Services building. Read your email notification thoroughly because you can have packages at both locations.
We are currently looking up and holding all mail for Fall students. We will begin sorting mail into mailboxes after 8/20/08 and mail rooms will officially open on August 27th.
Please check out our web page https://www.ithaca.edu/genadminserv/mailservices/ for helpful links and information.
Call 274-3371 if you have any questions