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ITS wants to remind all IC community members of several ways to keep informed about unexpected computer system or network problems, as well as scheduled service interruptions.

Helpdesk Phone System Status Line
If you're having a problem with a network service (like e-mail, the Internet or a Novell file server) call 4-3282 and choose option #1 to find out if there is a campus-wide problem that might be affecting your access to such services.

Helpdesk-Alert Mailing List
Helpdesk-Alert is a moderated, low-volume mailing list which provides you with information about conditions or events that may impact your ability to use computing services at Ithaca College. This list is used for alerts regarding major computer system or network problems, system maintenance notices, and reminders about scheduled power outages. You can subscribe to the list by logging into the E-mail Account Utility at

Web System Notices
The ITS and Intercom home pages have a System Notices section to provide you with information about current computer system or network problems, as well as future scheduled network outages or downtimes.

Fix-it-Fridays (FIF) Maintenance
FIF is a weekly window of time -- 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Fridays -- during which ITS may perform necessary maintenance on computers and network systems. For complete details see the FIF Intercom article.

If you have any questions please contact the Helpdesk at or 4-3282.

Keeping You Informed About Computing/Network Downtimes | 0 Comments |
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