Faculty and staff who may have reason to drive College-owned or -rented vehicles must arrange to have their driving record checked once every two academic years (not calendar years) and be at least 21 years of age. (However, students must submit a form once every 12 months.)
Departments employing student drivers must be sure that students are 21 years of age, have submitted the Driver Information Form for approval, and registered to take the mandatory two-hour driver safety class prior to allowing them to drive.
Class dates and times are posted on the Risk Management website.
The Office of Risk Management will notify employees within the next week, via e-mail or campus mail, ONLY if they need to renew their driver information for the academic year (September 1, 2008, through August 31, 2009). If you submitted a form during the 2007-8 academic year, you will not receive the reminder notification as you are automatically approved to drive for another academic year.
If you have never submitted a form and expect to drive a College vehicle, you must initiate the process by filling out a Motor Vehicle Record Form and returning it to our office, located on the third floor of Job Hall. Otherwise, you will not be permitted to drive a College vehicle.
Your form is used to process your driver record through the Department of Motor Vehicles. By law, the College's insurance company is barred from sharing driver violations with Ithaca College; we will only be advised if the records are "acceptable" or "unacceptable" by the insurance company. Thus, if you wish to know the specifics of your record, you will need to pursue that through the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Generally, details of moving violations, DUI (driving under the influence), DWI (driving while intoxicated), or suspended/revoked driver's licenses are included in your record. The College's insurance company reviews that data prior to advising the Office of Risk Management of whether or not you may operate College vehicles.
Forms are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and no one may drive College vehicles prior to final approval. Plan on 14 business days as the typical length of time from the date the Office of Risk Management receives your form to its receipt of the insurance company's response.
Only those drivers whose records do not meet the College's insurance standards will be notified. All individual motor vehicle records are considered confidential and will be released only on an "as needed" basis, i.e. to a direct supervisor. No one will be permitted to drive a College vehicle unless he/she has an acceptable driver record as defined in this program.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Risk Management at 607-274-3285, or visit our website:
Office of Risk Management