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Due to the unexpected resignation of Robert Earl, the staff trustee position is vacant and we are currently seeking an individual to fill his seat. Please be aware that this process will be quick as to have no lapse in staff representation on the board.

The staff trustee position is a three-year term.

The staff trustee is a full voting member of the Ithaca College Board of Trustees and is expected to share the staff perspective with the board. The staff trustee is expected to attend the three scheduled trustee meetings each year (February in New York City and May and October here on campus).

There may be additional meetings called as necessary, particularly for the individual committees on which the staff trustee may serve. You may be asked to attend other meetings or events on campus when appropriate.

The staff trustee is expected to participate in full board meetings as well as sit on two additional committees. You have the opportunity to state your preference regarding which committees you would like to participate in but there is no guarantee that you would be assigned as requested. Committee membership is reassigned each year; you may or may not sit on the same committees each year. The current committees are listed below:

  • Campus Life and Community
  • Audit
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Educational Policy
  • Institutional Advancement
  • Finance
  • Investment
  • Trusteeship

Trustee orientation is provided to the candidate selected to the trustee position. (Note: Travel expenses to New York City are paid for by the College.)

Trustees also participate in and march in Commencement and Convocation each year (May and August, respectively).

This is a wonderful opportunity for any staff member represented by Staff Council who would like to act on behalf of the entire institution in working with the Ithaca College Board of Trustees.

If you are interested in this position forward a letter of interest and resume to Carole Hughes, Institutional Research, Boardman Place, by Monday, October 13, at 5:00 p.m. The staff trustee nomination committee will review all submitted resumes and forward three recommendations to the board of trustees.

Reminder: Seeking Individual for Staff Trustee | 0 Comments |
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