Posted on behalf of Mark Coldren and Sally Dietz, co-chairs, Ithaca College United Way.
How would you like to help make a difference in the lives of people in Tompkins County? The United Way supports over 40 organizations that provide assistance and services to individuals and families. Our Ithaca College United Way Campaign has started! This is our opportunity to support this important and critical community-wide effort.
The overall goal for this year's campaign is $2,065,000. To assist the United Way in reaching this goal, Ithaca College's aim is to contribute $70,000 to the campaign. With everyone's generosity, we know we can reach our goal.
Imagine the impact you can have on our community for just a few dollars a paycheck. The true goal this year is participation. In these trying economic times, it is more important than ever to find some small way to help the folks of our area that need it the most.
Help the members of our community by returning your pledge card to your team leader or to Karen McGavin by Friday, November 14. All employees making a pledge will be eligible for drawings that will feature prizes, including Apple iPods.
This is Ithaca College's chance to really reach out and help the people of Tompkins and our surrounding counties. Please consider a gift to this year's United Way drive.