The Sustainability Café will look at "Taking Global to Local in Environmental Planning." This Café, being held in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar, will be held on Monday, October 27, at 4:00 p.m. in the Center for Natural Sciences, room 115.
As a senior planner for the Tompkins County Planning Department, Scott Doyle '98 has assisted with a number of community-scale planning efforts including those surrounding local development, land conservation, agricultural protection, water resources, energy, and natural-hazard mitigation. Doyle previously worked for the State of Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development; the University of Oregon's Community Service Center; and the university's Resource Assistance to Rural Environments (RARE) program, where he served as a downtown economic development specialist.
"Teachable edibles" -- seasonal, organic, and/or local foods -- for the fall 2008 Sustainability Café series are being supported by Ithaca College Dining Services. Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the drinking fountain or provide your beverage of choice.
All Sustainability Café events are free and open to the public.
Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.