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Not sure if your voter registration got processed correctly? Never received your voter registration card? Are you going to be away from your official address on election day and absentee ballot?

Are You Registered to Vote?

Before you head off to the polls to vote, check to make sure you're registered. Most states allow you to search your registration at their state's board of elections website. You can find all of these at Students, check both your home and campus addresses.

Need an Absentee Ballot?

If you will not be able to get to the polling place designated for the address at which you registered to vote, it may not be too late to request an absentee ballot.

Go to to find out the rules in your state. (You can also check to make sure your voter registration got processed here.)

Pay careful attention to when your request for an absentee ballot has to be made, and whether it has to arrive by or be postmarked by the dates indicated.

One you receive your ballot, again, pay careful attention to when your ballot is due back to your state.

Are You Registered to Vote? Need an Absentee Ballot? | 0 Comments |
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