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How private is your Facebook profile? What about your MySpace account? And I'm pretty sure you love to watch that "picture count" go up after a great weekend with your friends -- we understand it's your guilty pleasure.

Unfortunately, many college students forget the importance of protecting their image and privacy on the internet, which can ultimately be detrimental to their career. Employers are constantly searching social network sites to check on potential candidates ... don't be the one to get caught publicizing your personal life!

Please join IC NABA as assistant professor Michael Whelan of the speech communication department discusses the importance of protecting your image and how it can affect your future job searches and career. Professor Whelan is a member of the American Arbitration Association and has practiced in areas including employment and human resources law.

Be there on Thursday, October 30, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 101. This is a beneficial program that will teach you the essentials to be more discreet and protect yourself and your privacy.

Light refreshments will be served!

Attention All Students: How Private Are Your Facebook and MySpace Accounts? | 0 Comments |
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