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Election Day Reminder

Contributed by Vicki Estabrook on 10/31/08 

The office of Human Resources would like to remind all employees and departments that Tuesday, November 4, is Election Day. Please be sure to arrange time to travel to your polling place and vote.

Most employees will be able to arrange the time vote either before the beginning of their work day or after the end of their work day; polling places in New York are open beginning at 6:00 a.m. and do not close until 9:00 p.m. on the day of national elections.

As a reminder, the College expects supervisors and employees to adhere to Article 3, Title I, of the New York State Election Law (NYSEL) regarding taking time off to vote at the beginning or end of an employee's shift:

Full Text of NYSEL (PDF)

The election law notice below should be posted in and/or otherwise available to employees in each department. Contact the office of Human Resources at 274-1207 if you have any questions.

Please make time to vote!


If you do not have sufficient time outside of your working hours to vote, you may take off up to 2 (two) hours at the beginning or end of your shift, with pay, to allow you time to vote.

Sufficient time is defined as: four consecutive hours either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of your working shift OR between the end of your working shift and the closing of the polls.

You must notify your employer, no more than 10 days but not less than 2 days, before the day of the election that you will need to take that time.

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