The International Association of Business Communicators, Ithaca College chapter (IABC/IC), welcomes Roger D'Aprix. This event will take place in the Klingenstein Lounge from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 20.
D’Aprix, Vice President with ROI Communication, is an internationally known communication consultant, lecturer and author who has assisted dozens of Fortune 500 companies in developing their communication strategies and redesigning their staff structures and communication training. His long list of clients includes such organizations as Sears, Comcast, Cisco Systems, Lucent Technologies, General Motors, Saturn Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, EDS, GE Capital Services and scores of others. He is generally regarded as one of the leading-edge thinkers in the formulation of communication strategy and practice for contemporary organizations.
He has written six books on employee communication, one of which is his best selling “Communicating for Change: Connecting the Workplace with the Marketplace” published by Jossey-Bass, Inc.
His most recent book to be published, available on November 7th 2008 is The Credible Company: Communicating with a Skeptical Workforce. In The Credible Company, he provides a logical and tested strategy to inform skeptical employees in a time of turbulent change. With information being the lifeblood of today’s intellectual-capital assembly line, D’Aprix explains, the internal communication task has taken on an unprecedented importance.
If you have any question on this event please feel free to contact any of the IABC/IC executive board members or visit the IABC/IC webpage at