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The New York-Penn Blood Services Region typically faces a decline in collections during the month of December due to winter flu season. The regional blood supply is running extremely low and this deficit is critical in our ability to meet the blood supply needs of area hospitals.

Your hard work, leadership, and dedication will help bridge the gap for thousands of patients in our community who need blood! Please sign up to donate blood on Tuesday, December 9, in Emerson Suites.

Please e-mail to set up an appointment for our blood drive this Tuesday, December 9, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Or, stop by our table in Campus Center to sign up in person December 2-5, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day.

You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:

• Are at least 17 years old;
• Weigh at least 110 pounds;
• Have not donated within the last 56 days;
• Have not traveled abroad since 1980 for more then three cumulative months in Great Britain or six months cumulative in Europe

We will also be taking three "double red" donations every hour. To be eligible to donate, you must meet the following criteria:

• Males: 150 pounds minimum weight and 5' 1" height
• Females: 175 pounds minimum weight and 5' 5" height

On behalf of hospital patients in the Southern Tier, thank you in advance for your gift of life and generosity.


To improve your donation experience be sure to eat well the day of your donation, drink plenty of fluids, and get a good night's sleep!

Blood Drive: Tuesday, December 9, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. | 0 Comments |
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