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Stressed about graduating?

Senior Connection has it covered with "The Office" series of events!

Don't miss:

"The Job"
Monday, February 2 -- 7:00 p.m.
Klingenstein Lounge

Learn what employers are looking for in a candidate on everything
from resumes to cover letters to the interview. Know what it takes to set yourself
apart from the rest! Refreshments will be served.

And keep an eye out for more information regarding "The Negotiation" on February 24, and "The Initiation" on April 8!

Questions? Please email


Also coming soon sponsored by Career Services and Alumni Relations:

Susan DiPace Career Transitions Series Presents:
"Unlock Your Career Choices"

February 10, 2009
7:00- 9:00 pm
Clark Lounge

Network with alumni panelists and get your future career choice questions answered!

Senior Connection Presents "The Office" Series | 0 Comments |
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