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Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County has developed a terrific resource to help you save energy -- and money! -- in your home. This program features quick and easy tips and low- and even NO-cost ways to reduce your energy costs. The program features lots of do-it-yourself videos, as well as printable factsheets and instructions.

The Sustainability at Ithaca group has made a special arrangement with Cooperative Extension to make FREE CDs of this terrific program available to interested members of the IC community.

To get your free copy of the CD, e-mail Marian Brown or call her at 274-3787. Leave a message with your name and your office location where you can receive a CD via intracampus mail.

This interactive program can also be accessed directly on the Cornell Cooperative Extension website:

"Energy Savings in the Home" (Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County)

Free CD: "Energy Savings in the Home" | 0 Comments |
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