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The Ithaca College Speech and Debate Team concluded a very successful weekend on Sunday. On the weekend of February 7-8 Ithaca College's Speech and Debate Team traveled to Suffolk Universtiy to compete in two tournaments. The Saturday tournament was sponsored by Suffolk University and included schools from as far away as Texas. The Debate Team was recognized for superior speaking with Nicole Reustle '09 recieving an award as the fourth-best speaker in the tournament. The speech team was recognized as well with a second-place finish by Dan Parks '09 in the prose interpretation category. The success continued through the weekend. During the Sunday tournament, sponsored by the University of Florida, Reustle advanced to the quarterfinals in debate, losing to a debater from Patrick Henry College. Dan Parks finsihed strong again in prose with another second-place award. Karolena Greenidge '10 finished in fifth place in poetry interpretation. Team members are working hard in anticipation of this year's Pi Kappa Delta Biennial National Championship Tournament, which will be held at Louisiana State University March 18-21. |
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