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"I Am Diverse" ... Coming Soon

Contributed by Fred Chandra on 02/12/09 

The Diversity Awareness Committee is proud to announce the start of the "i Am Diverse" campaign at Ithaca College.

In a few days, you will see posters of campus personalities sharing parts of their identity you would not know by looking at them. Frequently, we think to be diverse means to be from many countries, have different skin tones, or speak different languages. However, each of us has unique experiences that become our identities.

Join us in celebrating your unique identities, talents, skills, interests, and backgrounds! During the month of March we are asking all students, faculty, and staff to fill out a card sharing their identities with the campus community. Cards will be gathered and displayed in the Campus Center lobby at the end of March. Show the campus community that Ithaca College is diverse!

Club leaders, department chairs, directors, and faculty members: If you would like to request cards in advance to have your organizations and classes participate, please fill out the short survey online:

Online Survey

Please include the number of cards you want, and to where you would like them to be sent. Please make all requests by March 13, 2009.

We will collect completed cards until Friday, March 27, 2009.

"I Am Diverse" ... Coming Soon | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
"I Am Diverse" ... Coming Soon Comment from dwillia3 on 02/13/09
At what point will IC stop patronizing its students with manipulative drivel like this? What good does showing 'diversity' have to the students? Who is so shallow as to believe this as an effective step toward those oh-so-lofty goals of 'diversifying' the campus?