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The Academic Enrichment Services/Office of Multicultural Affairs Summer Institute will be held July 8-31 this year. As a premiere retention program, you're invited to participate in this opportunity.

For African, Latino, Asian, and Native American (ALANA) and Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) students, it is especially important to provide opportunities for early acclimation to the college experience, especially in settings where they are least represented.

Summer Institute 2009 will offer a chance for students to benefit from a simulated college and expanded orientation experience. Students will arrive two days prior to the beginning of the Summer Institute for the regular Ithaca orientation session. For the following three weeks, they will take noncredit minicourses that Ithaca faculty will teach; participate in workshops and group study hall; prepare for the annual colloquium, to be held on the last full day of the program; and enjoy social events.

We are seeking to hire one faculty member from each of the five schools and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies (DIIS). Each instructor will teach a maximum of nine, one-hour sessions; five to ten students per class/section (some faculty may be asked to teach larger sections).

Faculty are expected to impose a level of rigor commensurate to the rigor found in regular freshman-level courses. Summer faculty are asked to be available for program meetings each Thursday at noon and to host office hours and advising sessions for the summer students at least one morning or afternoon per week.

Those desiring to teach should submit a brief statement of interest and a very general one- page course proposal no later than April 3 to Yolanda Clarke, director of academic enrichment services, at

Office of Academic Enrichment Services
Office of Multicultural Affairs

Faculty Wanted to Teach in Prefreshman Summer Program for ALANA and HEOP Students | 0 Comments |
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