IC Net will be hosting its first event called "Show Me Watcha Got," a campus-wide showcase where a student or group of students can submit any type of project or performance they have completed at IC. This event is intended to bring a wide variety of students together into one place and showcase the amazing talent that exists on IC's campus.
Calling all IC students,
If you're an Ithaca College student that has a passion for music, film, dance, art, photography, comedy, academics, literature, theater, and/or spoken word, then Show Me Watcha Got is the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your skills in whatever it is that you do, regardless of your major or academic class.
Show Me Watcha Got is a showcase that is being hosted by a new student organization called IC Net. This event is intended to bring a wide variety of students together into one place and showcase the best creative and academic projects/performances that students have completed throughout their time at IC. Participants will have the opportunity to win a number of prizes by performing or presenting their works in front of a live audience. The audience will be voting on which project/performance they think is best via text messaging!
The call for submissions starts on Thursday, March 19th and ends on Wednesday, April 1st @ 5:00 p.m. The actual event will take place on April 9th @ 8:00 p.m. in the Park Auditorium, so mark it down in your calendars folks! This is your chance to be recognized and rewarded for doing what you enjoy!
Visit www.ithaca.edu/sga/communications.php to get information about the event. Check out the link on the right side of this page titled "submission form". This link includes all the necessary documentation you need to submit your work (Don't worry...it's really easy). If you have any questions, shoot an email to icnetstudentorg@gmail.com.
I'm looking forward to seeing whatcha got!