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The themes during Earth Week are compost, energy, water, and sustainable food. Highlights include a light bulb collection and exchange in the IC Square food court Monday through Friday, more vegetarian options in all dining halls, and a specialty menu on Friday created by the IC Vegetarian Club. At all events throughout the week, students can receive giveaways and enjoy delicious deserts such as "worms and dirt" (gummy worms and crushed chocolate cookies)! Events for Earth Week 2009
Monday Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) will be teaching students how much food is wasted in the dining halls. They will be scraping and weighing food scraps to educate students on how much food must be composted in hopes to change wasteful habits. Tuesday Ithaca Dining Services interns Sofia Johnson and Stephanie Piech will be in Campus Center educating students about energy use in the dining halls. There will be information about the recent completion of dining services energy audit and helpful information so students know how to decrease their total energy use. Wednesday A student organization fair will feature engaging visuals and information about each club. The sustainability interns will be giving away over 200 reusable bags for students to use at In the Bag and Grab and Go instead of using paper bags. In addition, the free earth-friendly reusable bags will give students and employees the initiative to decrease the amount of plastic bags that are used on campus. Thursday At this event, students will have the opportunity to taste-test water. They will compare Ithaca College tap water with bottled water. This activity will engage students and demonstrate how bottled water is not a necessity. Friday Students will enjoy a vegetarian menu made by the Vegetarian Club. There will be a teach-in hosted by the Vegetarian Club where students can learn more about the food they eat and the environmental effects it has. Monday-Friday The exchange will give students, faculty, and staff the ability to trade light bulbs that are not energy efficient for more sustainable, efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). For more information, please visit
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