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Photos Stacking up? Come to IC Hope's Scrapbook-a-thon and Get Them in Order!Contributed by Anne Woodard on 04/07/09 It's that time of year ... you've photographed every event from fall to spring, visited lots of neat places, and collected some spiffy souvenirs. You can't wait to look back on all these memories fondly and to share them with friends and family! Just one problem -- they are all still sitting in stacks and bags around your bed! The IC Hope Relay for Life team is on the scene to rescue you, and here's how ... On Sautrday, April 18, IC Hope Relay for Life team is sponsoring a Scrapbook-a-thon! Please join us any time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Immaculate Conception School gym for a great day where you can arrange all your memories into an awesome book that will be the envy of all your friends! A registration fee of $15 supports our Relay for Life efforts, and will provide you with lunch, door prizes, lots of space to arrange your items into well-planned books, and the opportunity to meet with local scrapbooking and stamping consultants. What a deal! There also will be a swap table where you can trade your supplies for others, and the opportunity to participate in raffles! Here are the details you need to know: Date: Saturday, April 18 Time: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (come for all or part of the day!) Place: Immaculate Conception School gym, Plain Street entrance. (The school is located at 320 West Buffalo Street; the gym is around the corner on Plain Street) Cost: $15 -- includes box lunch and opportunities for door prizes To register: Contact Andrea McClatchie at or call 607-274-3793 or 273-2338. Advance registration is required! What to bring: Scrapbooking and stamping supplies, your photos and souvenirs, scissors, and your creativity! IC Hope thanks you for your support ... and we can't wait to see your finished products!
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