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IC SafeWater will be collecting redeemable cans and bottles on Wednesday, April 29 in North Foyer from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

If you can't bring them to campus, sign up at our table and we'll pick them up for you!

SafeWater members will also be "dumpster diving" on campus on Saturday and collecting around Ithaca on Friday and Saturday. We can swing by your place then to pick up your cans and bottles or set up a separate time to meet you!

We still need to raise a couple hundred dollars more to reach $10,000 to provide clean water and sanitation to villages in Ethiopia. Let us clean up your recyclables and help us make our goal!

For more information, please contact

IC SafeWater Can Drive -- This Week! | 0 Comments |
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