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Changes for Student Supervisors and Student Time Card ApproversContributed by Beth Blinn on 07/16/09 Do you sign timecards for a student employee but do not have a Student Supervisor Responsibility in Parnassus, (aka, the S.E.A.) ????
With our new SMSS (Student Manager Self Service) program coming with OTL (Oracle Time and Labor) anyone who supervises students will be able to have access to SMSS. There will no longer be a limit of 2 supervisors per department. Anyone supervising a student worker, and or signing / approving paper timecards should have access to SMSS. SMSS will allow supervisors to hire student employees, change hours of work per week, change / correct hourly pay rate, approve hours worked and terminate employment. A SMSS supervisor who hires a student worker in SMSS will also be the supervisor who is responsible for approving the hours submitted for approval by that student worker. Supervisors who currently have access to the SEA form in Parnassus will automatically be set up with SMSS access; those who do not have SEA access but are responsible for approving / signing a student’s timecard should contact Beth Blinn via email and request SMSS access. The student Employment Office will be offering SMSS training to all student supervisors beginning the week of July 27 th. To sign-up for a training session or to receive access to SMSS please complete this online form as soon as possible. Changes for Student Supervisors and Student Time Card Approvers Comment from
kreeter on
What is the length of each training session?
Changes for Student Supervisors and Student Time Card Approvers Comment from
blhogben on
Where will this training take place?
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