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We are gearing up to continue with another 17-week series of Weight Watchers at Work at IC, which is planned to begin on August 18, 2009. There are still several seats available!


We need a minimum of 20 prepaid participants per meeting section to schedule each section. All forms of payment and registrations must be received by Chris Haase by Tuesday, August 11, 2009. Instructions on how to sign up are listed in Intercom.

To be eligible for free eTools and payroll deduction as a payment option, participants must join by the start of week 2. Please contact Chris Haase for any questions or concerns. 

Our current group has dropped a very heavy total of 602.1 pounds since we started in mid-April 2009! And another member just reached her goal weight! Still unsure if Weight Watchers at Work is for you? Please come to either our 11:15 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2009, for an open house. We meet in G052 Peggy R. Williams Center. There is no obligation to join, although registration forms will be available. Meet our awesome leader and see for yourself how WW@W can help you reach your goals. 

After all, it is about you, . . . isn’t it?


Weight Watchers at Work: Join Us for an Open House Meeting on August 11! | 0 Comments |
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