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Hillel Orientation Weekend

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 08/27/09 

Friday, August 28 thru Sunday, August 30th

Lot's of stuff going on with Hillel

Friday, August 28th

5pm - Schmooze with other Jews at Hillel in Muller Chapel!  Come meet fellow First Year students of Hillel and your Hillel Executive Board!

6pm - The first Shabbat Service of the year in Muller Chapel

7pm - Shabbat dinner -- Terrace Dining Hall Balcony (2nd Floor) Join us for the best food on campus!  Feel free to stop by dinner if you don't want to come to services.


Saturday, August 29

12:30pm - Brunch in Terrace Dining Hall Balcony

2pm - Hillel Scavenger Hunt -- meet outside Muller Chapel     Still not sure where everything is on campus?  Well, what a better way to learn.

7:30pm - Havdalah by Muller Chapel followed by a trip to Wegmans and Ice Cream at Purity.


Sunday, August 30th

4:30-6:30pm - Hillel Welcome Back BBQ!! 

Outside Muller Chapel

Free food, live music and ton of Hillel Students!  Browse our organizational tables.  You never know, maybe you'll want to join Student Alliance for Israel (SAFI) or do community service with the IC Tzedekh.  Whatever your interests are, this is a BBQ not to be missed!

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