A Message From the Student Government Association Vice President Of Business & Finance:
Dear Student Organizations,
My name is Brian Keefe, and during the 2009 to 2010 academic year, I will be continuing to serve in the position of Vice President of Business & Finance. During the previous year, my main goal was to improve communication between the Student Government Association and student organizations on campus. I hope that the improvements which I instated have served to not only simplify the budget process, but make necessary information more attainable.
This year, I plan on utilizing the knowledge that I have gained in order to further improve upon both communication and the budget process. I will strive to strengthen SGA’s relationship with student organizations, as well as help to convey information more easily and effectively.
In order to accomplish these goals however, I need to ask for your help. For the budget process to be successfully designed around student organizations, I need the feedback and guidance of its users. The Budget Committee exists as a service, and for that service to be successful, it must receive input from the student body. Our executive board ran for office last year with a platform that promised students that we wanted to hear their voice – now’s your chance to talk to us.
My goal, just as is yours, is to benefit your organization. In order to do this however, I need your assistance and understanding. Please utilize the resources available at www.ithaca.edu/sga/business.php in order to educate yourself regarding SGA and the budget process. Additionally, do not hesitate to contact me at sgabusiness@ithaca.edu with any questions or concerns.
Within the next few weeks, I will be releasing information regarding official Budget Committee dates, as well as a wealth of other important information. I am also currently recruiting members for two positions, and if you are interested in either, forms are available in the “Downloads” on the Business & Finance section of the SGA website.
The tentative date for the first Budget Committee meeting for the current academic year is set for September 16, 2009. This date is a goal, dependent of a variety of things occurring; however I am working as hard as I can to make sure this date is achieved.
Additionally, all forms have been updated to new versions, and are also available under the “Downloads” section to the right. You will notice version numbers attached to all documents, which can also be found within each document on the upper right-hand corner of the first page. The current versions for all available documents are v2, and no forms prior to this version will be accepted. This policy exists in order to create standardization among all budget proposal submissions, and also to make sure that all organizations are able to utilize the included features of the new forms.
I will be officially be accepting completed budget proposals starting today, and will send a confirmation when it has been thoroughly reviewed and accepted. Individual meeting times will be assigned as soon as I am able to officially set the first Budget Committee meeting, and I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time period.
It has been my personal pleasure to be able to meet many of you in person last semester, and I can speak for the other members of the Budget Committee when I say that we are all looking forward to seeing you once again throughout the coming year.
Brian Keefe
Vice President, Business & Finance