Our first informational meeting will be on Tuesday, September 8th at 8pm. We will meet in the Student Activities Center, located on the 3rd floor in Campus Center (room 311).
Everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary. Let's discuss what we want to do this year!
Do you love video games? Do your pastimes include exploring dungeons, piloting race cars, or rocking out on plastic guitar or drums? Spend your weekdays wrecking noobs online?
Are you considering a dream career in making video games? It may seem like a daunting task to break in to the competitive and lucrative video game industry, but it is possible with hard work, creativity, and cooperation. And it certainly helps to have a portfolio of games you helped create. It takes skill and experience to become a highly paid specialist, but that's what we're here for! You may be thinking, "wait, I don't know how to make a video game." That's okay, we're all going to figure that out together!
The ICGDC is a group for motivated students who would like to work together to make their very own video games. We well spend the semester training and practicing the necessary skills in programming, 2D/3D art, writing, design, audio production, voice acting, and anything else that we can use in making the game.
Our overall goal is to work both individually and collectively, over the course of the semester, to create our very own games. It will probably be everyone's first time doing this, and we'll probably make some mistakes along the way. However, it should be a great learning experience and by the end of the year, we may even have a portfolio of working games. Join our facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=122347329690&ref=ts