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FIRST YEAR COACH begins tenure with Academic Enrichment Services!  Read all of this:

Hello Freshman Class of 2013!  I hope by now you are all settled in, meeting new people, making great friends, and are excited about the year to come. 

So, you may be asking yourself, WHO IS THIS GUY?  I am a senior in Culture and Communications from Wayne, New Jersey.  I probably met many of you this summer because I was an Orientation leader. 

This school year, I am serving as the FIRST YEAR COACH for Academic Enrichment Services.  My responsibility is to ensure FIRST YEAR STUDENT SUCCESS.  This means that I AM HERE FOR YOU!  If you have any questions concerning academics, study issues, what to do at IC; if you're homesick; have roommate problems; have fears of failure or great visions of success; if you need a mentor or just want advice on trying new things - I'm your GO TO GUY!! 

Schedule one-on-ones, or just walk in.  I'm in my office in 131 Towers Concourse from 6:30pm - 9pm and Thursdays from 9am - 1pm.  Call 274-3381 or stop by 110 Towers Concourse to schedule appointments.

II have also set up an "Ask Zach" facebook page where you can create wall posts, hold discussions, or write messages to me if you'd like.

Study Abroad?  DO IT!  This is a picture of me in southern Italy during my study abroad in Rome last year. 

So with this I conclude:  I wish you all the best for the coming year.  Work hard, get involved, and try something new - you'll never know where it will take you.

Looking forward to our time together,                                             


Meet Zach Berenzweig ('10) - "Coach," "Mentor," "Support," for First Year Students!!! | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Meet Zach Berenzweig ('10) - "Coach," "Mentor," "Support," for Fi Comment from nmalone1 on 09/09/09
Niiiiice, Zach! Great Job - If I were a First Year Student, I'd come to see you!

Ladies & Gents, we interviewed Zach for a student position in HR - trust, he's the real deal.

Keep your eyes on this one, IC ... he's going places!
