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Ithaca College on iTunes U Now in Apple's iTunes StoreContributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 09/09/09
We'd like to thank all those who have contributed great content to iTunes U. To see how your colleagues are using this technology see the Ithaca College on iTunes U video produced by Digital Media Services. This video recently won a "Best of Category" Communication Award from the 2009 Special Interest Group for University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS), a part of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). In addition, Musculoskeletal Examination and Evaluation, a collection of 50 clips produced in collaboration with Hillary Greenberger of the Department of Physical Therapy and ITS, is featured in the "Health and Medicine" category of iTunes U. What is iTunes U? Please contact Mark Hine or Marilyn Dispensa for more information |
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