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The Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee is looking for any students, faculty, staff, or administration that are interested in becoming a volunteer steward for the South Hill Natural Area located right behind Ithaca College.



Volunteer Stewards will have their own designated parcel of South Hill land to look after and will report any changes or violations on the property back to the committee. Stewards will be required to walk through their parcel at least once a week and fill out a monitoring report for their parcel every month. The monitoring report will detail any significant changes to the land, especially in regard to invasive species, and will help ICNL document the changes in the land over time.

Volunteer Stewards will be vitally important in the land protection work we do at ICNL. As a steward you will be: 

  • Representing ICNL to the Ithaca College community
  • Being our eyes and ears to notice changes on South Hill lands
  • Noting trends over time, and any changes to the land

If you want more information about becoming a volunteer land steward check out our website at

There will be an important informational meeting about becoming a volunteer steward on Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 pm in CNS 115. We hope to see you there!

If you can’t make the meeting but would still like to be involved, please send an e-mail to Emma Hileman, ICNL Volunteer Steward Manager at to let ICNL know you would like to be a part of the program.


The Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee serves as an advisory body to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for the stewardship of Ithaca College’s natural areas.  Our primary mission is to maintain the educational value and ecosystem services of these lands, to support co-curricular activities, and to guide compatible economic and recreational development.


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