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Anti-Semitism Workshop

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 09/11/09 

Taking Action Against Hate

Monday, September 14, 8:15-10:00 p.m.
Job Hall, room 160

When anti-Semitism hits your college campus, how will you respond? Will you let ignorant comments, anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, anti-Israel attacks, or Holocaust denial go unchallenged? If you don’t speak out, you may find that nobody else will.

The Anti-Defamation League’s Confronting Anti-Semitism Program helps you make a difference by taking action against hate. The program provides participants with the necessary tools and skills to:

  • Confront anti-Semitic and anti-Israel attacks on campus, including anti-Semitic speakers, Holocaust denial, and anti-Israel political protests and divestment campaigns
  • Handle harassment of Jewish faculty and students
  • Build campus-wide alliances with various student groups and campus activists
  • Enlist the support of faculty, administrators, and national organizations
  • Create more respectful and inclusive college environments for all students

Amanda Rappaport
Michael Faber, Hillel Director


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